Did you know that more than 2.46 billion people in the world are active social media users? According to a report, this is the current count. And this count is expected to reach 3.02 billion in the next two years, which means that social media users will begin determining the reputation of your brand in the coming years. If you can wisely use the customer reviews as a tool to market your brand, you will be suitably rewarded. Let us now have a look at the tactics for utilizing customer reviews for effective branding:
Customer Reviews as a Bargaining Chip for Boosting Brand Reputation
To use the customer feedback to your advantage, highlight the best parts of a feedback and place it boldly at an attractive spot on your site. This method will act as a magnet to attract other customers to your site. Since customers innately trust the words of other happy customers, they will be tempted to buy your products or use your services. You can create a testimonial page that includes positive customer reviews. Or, you can mention the reviews in the product description page to let potential customers know how popular your service or product is.
A Response in Time Improves Your Reputation Online
If your customers are frequently sending messages and feedback on your website, do respond to their messages as soon as you can. An interactive website is far more preferred than a non-interactive website among online users. Your customers realize that you care for them when you give a prompt response to their feedback. Also, this can be a way to check the reviews frequenting your websites, so you can take appropriate action.
Posting a Review Should be Made Fun
Customers often skip the online review forms because filling those forms may seem like a tedious, monotonous task. To make this boring task an interesting Q&A session with your customers, consider converting those boring feedback questions into an engaging discussion. Your customers will happily spend a little more time on your website which would eventually add up to your branding value. To encourage them, reward the best answers with a gift voucher. Also, a weekly or monthly poll conducted on larger forums such as Facebook is another perk for your brand marketing.
Sharing is Boosting
Since social media is the biggest platform to promote your brand online, use all the networking channels at hand to boost your brand value. Share the customer reviews on those social media sites which advertise either your website or your products. Use platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter which are popular among social media users in the present scenario. New customers will be attracted to your website following the honest words of fellow customers, while old customers will be happy to see their reviews published online.
Use Customer Reviews on Promotional Emails
Instead of resorting to aggressive self-promotion in the promotional emails, include honest customer reviews that will win the trust of a larger audience. Doing this will increase the chances of customers reading your emails with greater interest.
To make your brand stand out and attract more customers to your site than that of your competitor’s, do not simply keep harping on the unique features of your product or service. Incorporate the idea of including customer reviews to show off your brand value, and see your market value rise higher.